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Our Blog

We have built this space to raise awareness of the experiences our Physio community members share and how physical therapy helps them improve and cope with the situation they are experiencing.

In this space we including blogs on different topics from the patient-therapist perspective and how therapy evolves and flouishes thanks to teamwork.

We invite you to visit our blog and collaborate with your ideas and feedback, to continue learning together.


Massage therapy: Definition and Benefits

Massage therapy: Definition and Benefits

Background of Massage therapy: The beginnings of this therapeutic method go back to antiquity documenting the use of massages intuitively and empirically and inherent to the presence of pain. Similarly, it can be found among the therapeutic practices of early cultures...

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What is stress? Definition, types and tips

What is stress? Definition, types and tips

The stress is the physiological reaction of your organism in which various defense mechanisms come into play to face a situation that is perceived as threatening or of increased demand. Stress is a natural response necessary for survival. When this natural response is...

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What is Degenerative Disk Disease?

What is Degenerative Disk Disease?

Currently the general population is living longer; however, from the first decade of life, a degenerative process also begins which, according to the medical dictionary, refers to the alteration of tissues or organs with a loss of structural and functional characters,...

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At Physio Vallarta we care about your health and that of our Therapists, that is why in the face of contingencies we are adapting our cleaning protocols inside and outside the clinic. Upon customer arrival: 1. Apply antibacterial gel on arrival 2. The use of face...

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Blvd. Francisco Medina Ascencio # 2899-Local 1A, Marina Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.

Lunes a Viernes 8:00 -19:00
Sábado 8:00 -13:00
Teléfono: +52 322 371 3306 / +52 322 365 0721

Copyright 2023 Physio Vallarta. Diseño por Impulso Gráfico PV.