Courses and Workshops
Welcome to our courses and workshops designed by our expert physiotherapists in the corresponding area aimed at a specific public as the case may be. Whose objective is to promote the culture of prevention of health problems and / or improve movement skills that allow us autonomy in the future. Our vision is to be a leading prevention clinic in the Puerto Vallarta and Banderas Bay area.


Visit Us
Blvd. Francisco Medina Ascencio # 2899-Local 1A (In front of Estero El Salado), Marina Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.
We provide Home Service.
Monday to Friday 8:00 -19:00
Saturday 8:00 -13:00
Phone: +52 322 371 3306 / +52 322 365 0721
Copyright 2023 Physio Vallarta. Design by Impulso Gráfico PV.